…so speaking to marketing, I thought I’d drop in on Gary Vaynerchuk and see what he’s got to say. As always - like him or not - it’s always interesting. X thread on what Gary Vee’s marketing predictions, which double up as recommendations. The upshot of it is: the TikTokification of social media (follower count mean less, anyone can go viral, marketing teams need to aligned to platform). Incidentally, TikTok open sourced their algorithm Monolith a couple weeks ago, so expect more real time recommendation engines changing content you see as you scroll….
No contest for the video of the year - a vlog from a young girl in Portugal in June this year inadvertently caught a comet streaking across the sky directly overhead, illuminating the night sky with an other worldly glow. It’s an incredible moment
Great podcast series with brainfooder Matt Woodard - delighted to appear on it, talking entrepreneurship, brainfood original story, ambush predation vs hunter killer and why sanitation metaphors are useful idea when it comes to curating content. Fun chat, have a listen.
Great to see a few familiar faces in this list by SIA - including long time brainfooder Colin Donnery and my old colleague Seb O’Connell. Congratulations to all who made it. Useful list to this community for a lot of reasons, not least for any recruitment tech vendor selling into the agency side of the market, and for everyone else to follow on LinkedIn to get market intelligence on the state of the staffing market. Incidentally, doing a Brainfood Live on this this Friday - register here.
Brainfooder Adriano Herdman has put together this Notion page of People & Talent 'LinkedIn Influencers’. Useful collection for anyone who wants to build presence on LinkedIn (connect or follow these people, interactive with them, see if you can get them to interact back…) or if you’re selling something, these folks should be decent amplifiers.
One thing I love about LinkedIn is the community of LinkdIn algorithm watchers, who routinely and regularly test content on the platform to see what travels. Now obviously LinkedIn is a social network so it will behave differently according to every person’s network, but there are some heuristics which are worth experimenting with. Here is Richard van der Blom (follow the guy) advice, in sketchnote style.
How does Google rank websites? An entire industry ecosystem has evolved to try and figure this out, so last week’s info dump of what looks like internal documentation represents a whale fall like event for search engine optimisers. Full dump is link in the thankfully concise post by Search Engine Land - most interesting takeaway for me was the relevancy of backlinks which were actually clicked….
Richard van der Blom really is a must follow on LinkedIn - his regular updates on the almighty newsfeed algorithm is a tremendous service to the recruiting community, especially those of us who are interested in building an audience / extend reach for our content. His post on the state of the newsfeed not happy reading - the numbers are down for everybody, it seems in preference for posts LinkedIn makes money one. H/T to brainfooder Sam Kuehnle for the share.
In short: attention spans are shortening, they are low-effort to consume and they can be amazingly informative or entertaining. I also think there is a sense of human connection on short form video, as they are mainly shot on to-the-camera on the mobile device. Decent read from Hubspot. Need to do more myself - trying this on so follow along on LinkedIn, TikTok, Instagram and X.
2024 has been a year of job seeker pb - we’ve seen some great examples of job seekers making unique attempts at differentiation. This is the latest go viral, Marketing Manager Alexandra Hockey-Parmenter inserting herself into one of the Internet’s most iconic scenes and it’s a fine effort. h/t to brainfooder Andrea Kirby for sharing in the online community
Fascinating introspective from a senior tech executive who shares internal dialogue on his recent redundancy. Three things stood out for me: firstly, the value of documenting feelings as an exercise in sharpening thinking; secondly, the sharing of genuine know-how which might be valuable to others experiencing the same thing and finally, the repurposing of bad news as a launching pad for the next chapter. Have a read
What is working in marketing? HubSpot’s annual survey of marketers is another one of those must reads, because what happens in marketing typically flows into recruitment down the road. AI enablement is a key theme here, as is influencer marketing and - as ever - the need for personalisation. Easy reading, download it here. H/T to brainfooder Martyn Redstone for the share in the online community
One of the annual must reads, this report from We Are Social tracks global social media usage, using data from a host of other social media monitoring sites. The surprising revelations stand out: Facebook growing is MAU, LinkedIn reaching 1 Billion users and the globalisation of TikTok, despite being unavailable in both India and China. H/T to brainfooder Vicki Saunders for the share.
As you know, I am a big advocate of people in the community starting podcasts. We need a polyphonic ecosystem, where every community member can speak on equal terms with everyone else. Don’t let anyone gate keep you out of this - and if you need me to guest on your show to get you started, just let me know! Spotify 2023 trends on Podcasting here - particularly interesting bits toward the end when it covers (briefly) attribution and conversion rates.
Speaking of TikTok, here’s what we got addicted to in 2023. Watching some of the food prep vids and it’s pretty clear that audio is a hugely under rated aspect of success on video - watch the Chicken Katsu tok and you’ll see (hear?) what I mean. Need to work on this for Brainfood next year. Some promising inroads too made by a few members of our community - shout out in particular to brainfooders Joel Lalgee and Lee Harding who are building up great followings on the platform. More of us show follow.
This is so good that I hesitate to share it here in case community members think that this is the standard required to do a great marketing video. However, I hope we find inspiration from this, rather than be intimidated by it 🤣. Watch Julien-Junior Larrieu tell us about his new communications services. H/T to brainfooder Clair Bush for the share.
Love this from Brainfooder Nix Stephens, a retrospective on what it is like to start and do a recruitment podcast. As you know, I am a believer that all of us should claim our space in the public discourse and this type of meta content is so useful for those who are thinking about it, but have yet to actually do it. 15 minutes to-the-camera, (incidentally the hardest type of content to do), great watch and learn.
One of the annual must reads is Hootsuite’s Social Media trends. 5000 marketers surveyed on how they feel about the social media - packed with information on brand presence, AI and authenticity and how to build a long term relationship with your audience. Must read for EB and Content Marketers. H/T to brainfooder Martyn Redstone for the share in the online community.
‘LinkedIn is not Facebook’ is a refrain heard less often these days, as Facebook is not Facebook, nor is any other social media platform what it once was. With ‘X’ continuing down it’s own marginal ideological rabbit hole I suspect LinkedIn might become the last network standing, which will mean more ‘non-professional’ content on the newsfeed. Good or bad? It’s the topic of this week’s poll so make sure you vote below. H/T to brainfooder Michael Talarek for the share
Fun conversation with Brainfooder Nix Stephens, whose newly launched podcast is already one of the most exciting new channels in industry. Some people are just natural interviewers - I think Nix is one of them! Origin story of Recruiting Brainfood, relevant for content marketers and anyone who might be curious about growing an audience.
As AI transforms the digital world around us, it is worth jumping back to a bit of Internet history to better understand the chapter which is about to close. Once upon a time there was an Internet without Google, but when it demonstrated the superiority of PageRank for search relevance, it quickly took over to become not only the gateway to the Internet, but make every other website change in order to be ranked in the search. Superb essay detailing the rise and (maybe) fall of Google; relevant to anyone doing recruitment marketing, advertising, content - and sourcing.
Delighted to appear on the Loxo podcast. Thanks to brainfooder Sam Kuehnle for the invitation - this one is about brainfood so if you wanted to learn about building audiences, conversations over content, and how to be a +1 to the universe. Have a listen here
Search was dying long before ChatGPT. In fact, when you think about it, the entire existence of the recruiter sub-genre of ‘sourcing’ is a failure of the promise that search providers implicitly gave to it users - that anyone can find anything on the Internet. Users have been migrating to user generated content, via desktop toward Reddit and via mobile toward TikTok. Excellent (and non-paywalled, let me know if this is not the case) article in the Washington Post about these substantive - and likely irreversible - trends. Relevant for advertisers, EB folks.
So this is the famous podcast which is getting all the LinkedIn influencers excited. It’s well worth a listen because whether we think of ourselves as content creators or not, we recruiters are on LinkedIn like a bad habit and need to keep on top of how to make the most of it.
More on LinkedIn algorithm changes, all of which have been based on a single interview with Dan Roth and Alice Xiong (the actual podcast is linkedin below, so you can listen to it yourself), but this explainer from Buffer is probably the most understandable interpretation I’ve yet read. Main point worth underlining again is the linkage between your profile data and post content. We’re going to be talking about this on Brainfood Live on this in a couple weeks, so register here if you want to embed the lessons. H/T to brainfooder Michael Talarek for the share.
Many prominent LinkedIn influencers have been reporting a precipitous decline in engagement from their posts, and it looks like we have the reason why - yet another algorithm change designed to reward genuine knowledge share. Most interesting insight? The information on your profile page is correlated with what you post about, which suggests some old fashioned keyword stuffing might be in order. Andy Foote is on Brainfood Live next month to tell us about it (register here). You can read more on the topic on this article from the Entrepreneur
Follow up on this, is a new post from perhaps the best example of ‘showing what you know’. Julia Evans is an infrequent but superb communicator of tech culture and working practices. Here, she skewers some myths about blogging which stop people from doing it. It’s all absolutely correct
Hubspot’s annual report, somewhat going under the radar these days, as the discourse online on online has become dominated by generative artificial intelligence. Without social media though, even AI wouldn’t have a distribution channel, so important we review how people are using traditional social media channels. H/T to brainfooder Martyn Redstone, for the share in the online community.
Second in an excellent series by brainfooder Ben Phillips who lays out the next sequence of steps, focusing on content marketing, organic vs paid, and the tools you can use to manage the media. Good to see more content on content marketing - looking forward to Part 3. Have a read here
Fascinating innovation from LinkedIn, which leverages both GAI and the power of the network. Here’s how it works: AI generates a post and then selected experts are given the opportunity to ‘add a comment’ to the piece via an insert. Exactly how these experts are selected I don’t know, but I can certainly see that many people will do it. I’ve been invited on an article on ‘passive candidates’ so I am going to contribute to test how this works and document the findings when I’ve done it. GAI + human commentators - is this going to become the dominant formula of how content gets produced? LinkedIn might be able to amp it enough to make it mainstream. H/T to brainfooder Donna Svei for the share.
Interesting post from Google on how the search engine is going to rank AI generated content. Here’s a term for us to get familiar with: EEAT - expertise, experience, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. How ranks according to these measures is of course opaque but its worth noting as content marketers start prompt engineering their way to a x100 GAI production rate.
Hope all recruitment marketers have seen this? Perhaps the most comprehensive social media calendar I’ve seen, which lists important events, holidays, celebrations and so forth every day of the year. You’ll probably have a version of this somewhere, but I doubt anything will be as rich as this. Thanks to Alonso in the EB webinar who shared this in chat - I downloaded it, you probably should too.
As GAI overtakes human text composition, I wonder whether sketch notes will become the most resilient mode of human authored written communication. Take a look at the above rendition of how you should post on LinkedIn - pretty awesome way to consume information eh? Original work from Richard van der Blom, someone you should follow on LinkedIn, artist being Katrin Wietek, who I may soon be DM’ing on Insta myself….
Here’s a provocation for you: we (re)share content on LinkedIn not because of the quality (too many Forbes articles in here for that to be true 🤣) but because the story resonates - we feel that it is true or we want to be true - and so signal our commitment or desire to the premise by the re-sharing it to others. An interesting selection of content - which of these would you be motivated to signal boost?
More on LinkedIn, and more heroic figures from the community, adding amazing value. This time it is Richard van der Blom, who may be the No1 indie researcher on how the mighty LinkedIn newsfeed algorithm actually works. Digestible 57 page guide book here. And of course follow Richard on LinkedInc. Must read for any content / recruitment marketer. H/T to brainfooder Josh Willows for the share.
Last week’s post on LinkedIn’s content algorithm proved popular, so why not underline the message with another how-to on viralising content on the platform. Some simple rules of thumb here: post frequency (1x per 18 hours), engagement velocity (first 90 minutes counts most) and optimal posting times. Must read folks. h/t to brainfooder Jan Tegze for the share in the fb group
Richard van der Blom is one of the most forensic analysts of the mighty Linkedin newsfeed algorithm. Here are his latest findings, in an simple summary post + one page infographic. Main spoiler? dwell time no longer most relevant signal, it is the frequency of engagements within 90 minutes of post. Essential reading for anyone with an interest in getting more traffic to your LinkedIn content.
This AI copy generator pokes fun at ‘life lessons’ LinkedIn content so well worth a laugh but you know what……I think some of the output would actually still perform well as a viral post. Maybe all life is parody.
This AI copy generator pokes fun at ‘life lessons’ LinkedIn content so well worth a laugh but you know what……I think some of the output would actually still perform well as a viral post. Maybe all life is parody.
Another way to use email is the do what I’m doing here - an email newsletter. Brainfooder Mick Griffin - who I was met to meet for lunch in Gdansk today - with nice little Zapier recipe on how you get your candidate email newsletter going. Why not? Get to it folks.
This story is not only about Instagram vs TikTok but also about quantitative vs qualitative data. As we all rush to be ‘data driven’ we need to remember not to overbalance and lose the intuition which can often tell us things ‘the metrics’ often can’t. Some delicious speculation that one of the reasons why TikTok is destroying Instagram is Zuckerberg’s inherent lack of feel for the other. Great insight on how Gen Z is thinking / analysing / deciding also.
It’s the most popular podcast on the planet and this account from a guest on the show tells it’s own story as to how great conversational content is made. It’s not about the prep, it’s about the trust. Must read for anyone doing a podcast.
Arguably, the best time to post is all the time, but if you don’t have time for that type of commitment then this breakdown of35 million posts across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn will let you know what time / date is best for a more deliberate posting approach. H/T to brainfooder Jan Tegze for the share in the fb group
The incredible viral potential of TikTok has been harnessed for career acceleration by a few very smart, very good or very lucky creators. Beautiful website as always from Pudding Cool, I’m still trying to work out how TikTok can be used for recruiting, seen a few of us on this, might be worth doing a Brainfood Live on it? Let me know
With the news that Meta is going to change its newsfeed to orientate even more around engagement, and less so around social graph, it is as good a time as any to share this 2019 post from Eugene Wei on the evolution of social networks, it’s tie in with social capital and why some companies will always be bad to social media marketing. Wei is a magnificent writer, and these infrequent essays are amongst the best commentary you’ll read on the online world we inhabit and it proves prescient as we read it today. One for the content creators, recruitment marketers and anyone else who cares about the intersection between society and information technology.
Brainfooder Andy Foote is my favourite commentator on LinkedIn, because he combines communication with community. Posts like this is are the reason why he is a regular guest on Brainfood Live, which reminds me Andy about time to get you back on in August?
The most important component of any online content is the headline - first thing people see, first thing people are going to make a decision upon. 7 formulas which you can use to improve your open rate. Works on titles on any media incidentally, see how popular Youtube videos are titled. Must read for anyone writing content, or posting ads, on the Internet.
They used to call this ‘hashtag hijacking’ and whilst its generally fallen out of fashion, I couldn’t help but like this attempt given the inappropriateness of platform and cleverness of punchline. Throwaway stuff but a good technical example of the approach.
Are you on TikTok yet? Don’t be shy, oldies are welcome on it too 🤣. It’s the most popular mobile app and recently overtook even Youtube for minutes watched, it’s way past time for us to learn about how it works and get involved in some content marketing there. Hootsuite as ever, with the data and insight.
Interesting exercise using algorithmic readability formulas, mathematical models that assign numerical scores to text, based on how understandable they are. Critics might say ‘this is dumbing it down’ but advocates can respond by arguing that the point of writing is so that it will be read and understood. Naturally, my last sentence there was terrible 🤣
Analysis of 1118 viral LinkedIn posts shows the domination of women in terms of reactions….
Fascinating research from brainfooder Dr. Pierre-Nicolas Schwab, drawing mainly on French user data on how to get viral on LinkedIn, with the startling claim that the gender identity + age of the poster are amplifying factors. Love to get some thoughts on this, maybe got the makings of a Brainfood Live.
There are few things more demoralising than spending hours writing an article only to have it crash to insignificant numbers of views. I suspect a great many of us never start producing content for this reason alone. Great post here from one of our own brainfooder Jan Tegze on the key question you need to write a viral post.
One of my default recommendations is to follow Andy Foote on LinkedIn. It is because of laser focused, deep dive content like this exceptional breakdown on LinkedIn Audio, which essentially does the hard work of figuring out what’s going on for you. Must read for all content creator types.
This brilliant post on the absolute state of the LinkedIn newsfeed turns out to be a very useful breakdown on how the newsfeed algorithm actually works. So…can we apply the learning hereand avoid the cringe? H/T to brainfooder Andrew Stetsenko for the share.
Getting a lot of vendors come to me for advice on content strategy, which is a problem because what the hell do I know about it?? Got me thinking about how other businesses do it and so I came across this post on ‘influence maps’ - how to use behaviour design principles in marketing.
When did this change? I had no idea but it seems like it is an important expansion of opportunity for content marketers here. 1300 characters was generally enough for most of my posts, but with 3000 now you can absolutely write an essay via LinkedIn posts. What do you plan to do with the extra space?
LinkedIn Newsletters - you thinking about writing one? I wrote about why you should in TWIR last week, a post which I believe might have prompted my good friend and brainfooder Andy Foote to share this database with me last week.
It’s from Nov last year, so there are now very many more, but given that this list are early movers, and ordered in terms of subscriber size, the chances are it is a valid db on the ‘Top 2000’ LinkedIn newsletters currently around.
Start-of-the-year is great because smart vendors load up their best ideas into massive how-to guides like this. If you know nothing about content marketing, spending 10 minutes on this will get you to a level ahead of most pro’s. It’s early days but you’re unlikely to find a better all-in-one content marketing guide. Must read for anyone producing content on the Internet. Combine with the twitter calendar post above, and you’ll win the Internet for 2022.
Damn useful calendar of the major events happening in the world. The regions covered roughly map to the community distribution of brainfood so this resource should be super useful for anyone looking to optimise the timing of a marketing campaign. Must read
Super useful US centred list from our buddies Ongig. Two reasons why this is useful - firstly, you might want to attend a few of these conferences and secondly, marketers out there might want to synch content plans around big industry events to get maximum impact for your work. btw: for fans of the Big List - not sure whether I am going update this as a live only list or go for online+. Need to think about it some more.
Massive piece of research from BuzzSumo on what headlines work best for engagement, on what channels. How long should your headline on a social media post be? [Spoiler] its 11 words, 65 characters. All this and loads more, here. Essential reading for anyone publishing on the Internet.
So you get to past the sponsor messages and you get two smart guys who between them may have written half the rules of content and growth which we now apply. It’s bro talk but its full of great nuggets of wisdom especially for content creators.
We all know video is where it’s at but I feel that it is still peripheral rather than integral to the work recruiters do. Some statistics might help, so check out this report from TechSmith, the makers of Jing and Camtasia, on video viewer behaviour. Perhaps short form instructionals have a place in your content marketing strategy for 2022?
So starts a post by Mirko Paradiso, a freelance content creator, who announces his availability for work via a demonstration of the work he can do. As Jacob Sten Madsen said, 10/10 for the effort. H/T brainfooder Antonio Arias Lopez for the share in the fb group
Two issues in and I’m already addicted to brainfooder Andy Foote‘s LinkedIn newsletter. It’s all meta and all great; this one tracks Richard van der Blom (another LinkedIn expert worth a follow) and his research on the mighty LinkedIn algorithm.
Had the pleasure to appearing on Kathleen Duffy‘s amazing podcast series earlier this month - what a great conversation with a great lady. We talk about a lot but I think mostly the value is about content marketing and personal branding. Have a listen to Pt1 and Pt2
Cool website with words categorised according to your five senses. Nice resource for anyone who is doing a lot of writing and needs an extension to vocab. H/T to brainfooder Denys Dinkevych for the share
It upset me that Brainfooder Andy Foote did not have early access to LinkedIn newsletter (how does LinkedIn decide this??) so when he did finally get permission, I immediately signed up, which I don’t regret for a minute because you get amazing content like this experiment on LinkedIn polls. You got to read it - and subscribe to Andy’s newsletter.
The title and thumbnail play a huge role in a video’s success or failure.
Great how-to on why packaging is more important than content. Anybody who subscribes to my Youtube channel will know that I have no game on video so get ready for better thumbnails in 2022
Need the right sized image for your social media posts? I assure you this tool is going to be your best friend. One for the marketers and content creators. Free to use.
A great many of you enjoyed the How To Be A Better StoryTeller episode on Brainfood Live - it is clear the appetite is there to be more capable to communicating via stories. This one pager contains many of the ‘rules’ of great storytelling. Take a look and let me know which one is your favourite.
Interesting study on the impact of hashtags on the virality of LinkedIn posts. The answer - which we all kind of intuitively knew -is ‘3’. Get through the terrible website design on this and have a read here
Do you celebrate your internal hiring achievements? Here is a great example of why you should - 5 internal case studies, written from the perspective of the protagonists, with no other overarching narrative other than to say - ‘hiring is complex, hard, but do-able’. Think how great the validation is for the people involved to see their work recognised like this, never mind the transparency points you accrue by being open with the journey. It probably wasn’t content marketing, but it is that too.
You know I love a big list, so anything with a ‘100’ in it, I’m going to take a look 🤣. Some interesting sources here, particularly the prevalence of vendor hosted blogs. Also, monthly traffic figures seems really quite low even for high ranking sites, but then, this is ‘organic traffic’ and we are know no one uses search engines anymore. Have a read though, some good sources here. H/T to brainfooder Dan Mortimer for the share in the fb group
Quite an amazing post from Buzzumo, harvesting an enormous amount of data to figure out how to write the best headlines, per platform. Did you know that the number ‘10’ was the best one to use in a headline? Or that hyperbole works on any platform? Must read for any content creator here. Bigger question: how to operate ethically knowing what we know?
There’s a reason why Andy Foote is my favourite LinkedIn commentator - he somehow makes it fun to read about LinkedIn. This 11 pager for what LinkedIn are going to do in the next 12 months is well researched, potentially significant speculation. Have a read. Btw: Andy is joining Brainfood Live as special guest on the 29th January to talk Linkedin, so make sure to register.
Everybody knows that Andy Foote is my go-to consultant for all things LinkedIn. I’m delighted that he is rejoining us on Brainfood Live to give us a quarterly update (don’t miss this - sign up here). In the meantime, you need to cast your eyes across these 13 changes on LinkedIn Andy has picked out for us to be aware of.
Crucial research by Richard van der Blom on the hitherto mysterious workings of the LinkedIn newsfeed algorithm. LinkedIn remains the No1 channel for the distribution and consumption of business content, so anyone producing content really needs to read this.
Are you a ‘grammar prescriptivist’? If you are, look away now because this post is torches your position and blames you for the terrible copy we see so often on the Internet. Great article on what makes great writing, but also on creativity in general - it’s about knowing the rules enough to have fun in breaking them. Good read for anybody producing content on the Internet.
For a number of years now, Linkedin has been the primary B2B channel for ‘content distribution’ for anyone in business - free-to-post, relevant audience and an algorithm which can - if you know what you’re doing - give you hundreds of thousands of views per post. This is why research like this from Richard van der Blom is so valuable. Read the post, check out the presentation and listen to the podcast.
This is a great anti-recruiting post, which I am kind of disappointed didn’t turn out to be a disguised job ad for a Head of Marketing in the end. Imagine if someone did that? Very nice storytelling though
The LinkedIn Newsfeed has been the No1 channel for content marketing for the recruiting industry. This is the reason why I ask you to support the newsletter by posting it up as a LinkedIn status update because it provides the best ROI. But the newsfeed algorithm is capricious and needs constant monitoring. Brainfooder Adam Gordon comes good with some outstanding analysis on a recent big hit post of his. Originally shared in the fb group but good enough to be reshared here too - must read
How many LinkedIn status update stories completely made up? Many of the most viral certainly are, as this expose from the New Statesman reveals. It’s not much of a dilemma really - ‘don’t lie, its bad’ - but perhaps understandably hard to do when a fable is what seems to work. Have a read H/T brainfooder David Tomchak for the share
More riffing on the BLUF concept, but what a great concept, so always value to take another interpretation. Great post on how to be effective writing for todays Internet - must read, here.
Can’t think of what to blog? You may have no more excuses after reading this outstanding listicle on how to generate them. The examples-per-idea is not just a great gimmick, it’s a tremendous value add which makes the post. H/T brainfooder Denys Dinkevych for the share.
Creative developer living in Paris, freelancer, former lead developer at Immersive Garden, former developer at Uzik and teacher.
I don’t think Bruno is going to out of work for long - this is the coolest CV website I’ve seen this year. Talk about ‘evidentialising’ your skill set. H/T to brainfooder Graham Thornton for the share in the fb group
Do you even podcast? You probably should if you are passionate about a topic and want to build some audience around it. Well presented research on the ‘state of podcasting’ by Music Oomph.
There are reasons why I am featuring this post. 1) It’s from Jan Tegze 2) It’s about lessons for writing a recruiting book and 3) its a great example of ‘pre-marketing’ by being open with your journey - a mindset and technique can be readily adapted for recruiting.
Some rectec vendors have really mastered the art and science of content marketing. Yello are definitely one of them, featuring several times in brainfood with well received posts. This post might be the most interest of all - a breakdown of their content strategy, particularly on how the business focused on ‘content clusters’. If you’re into EB, Recruitment Marketing or Content creation, you need to read this
One of those where you’re glad someone did it so you didn’t have to. Hats off to brainfooder Andrew Stetsenko for this experiment on self discipline + newsfeed algorithm investigation. Some potentially useful lessons in using LinkedIn as a content marketing channel. Also the subject of last week’s Brainfood Live this week
LinkedIn’s algorithm is moving target and no one is 100% sure on what works when. My buddy Josef Kadlec has put together some very useful tips in this mega post on how to get greater visibility for your posts. Especially like the referring back idea. Have a read if you want to grow your audience on the most important social platform on which to do it.
Having Katrina Kibben on Brainfood Live a few weeks ago reminded me to pay more attention to her written work - and now I know what I’ve been missing. This post - which nails that the personal is the professional in 2019 (and every year thereafter), is one of the most important lessons to learn in modern content production. Have a read here
Cool write up on a content marketing channel which has proven to be super valuable to those few recruiters who know how to do it. Kasia Tang is definitely one of those, as this break down of a recent Brainfood Live on the topic illustrates.
The LinkedIn newsfeed is perhaps the most powerful channel for recruiting content today. It’s important we know how it works. Falcon.io do a decent job of working it out for us, so this is an essential read for anyone looking at getting more traffic on the platform - check it out here.
Getting on the front page of Hacker News is no mean feat; doing it repeatedly is pretty incredible content marketing. Aline Lerner thinks there could be a formula to it and is sharing what she thinks here. The bad news? Controversy is the magic ingredient to get the engagement
Brigette Hyacinth is one of the most followed people on LinkedIn. And whilst she sometimes divides opinion in the recruitment industry, there can be no denying her success at generating engagement from her articles. LinkedIn themselves take a look to see what her secret is. Have a look here.
PS: great to see brainfooder Jan Tegze up there in the top 10 ;-)
This is one of the best SEO post on content writing I’ve read recently. Not only actionable insights, but knowledge transfer on every one of the 21 points. Now you should never write solely for discoverability, but if you’re creating content for your company, you can’t afford to ignore this post - have a read
Brainfooder Andy Foote is one of the foremost authorities on the most important question in recruitment: how the LinkedIn newsfeed algorithm works ;-). A relentless experimenter, Andy outlines his understanding in 25 answers. I agree with almost all of them. Essential reading for those who want to use LinkedIn as a channel for inbound.
Is your blog on this list? That’s the value of list based articles of this type - you kind of have to click. A nice piece of work by our buddies at Ongig, and some pretty cool resources to discover too.
I include this post from the New York Times technology team less for it’s recommendations (not sure I agree…), but more for the example of how being ‘open with your journey’ magically creates compelling content which functions are a job advert. Have a read - see what I mean?
Well thought out framework on content marketing by brainfooder James Ellis - a very good fellow to follow if you want to step your employer branding game. Particularly like the ‘Content Hierarchy’ model - check it out here
Attention is the currency of the distraction economy. It makes sense to anyone in business to understand how better to capture it. Ste Davies seems to know a lot more than most, so it’s rather good of him to have produces this massive add value post on how the newfeeds of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube work. Must read folks.
Given the research on content marketing from Backlink.io above, I thought I’d better put in a listicle into this week’s brainfood. It’s a stonker though from Social media today - packed full of tools which have immediate application to recruitment. Check it out here
Huge piece of research from Backlink.io and Buzzsumo on what types of blog posts are most effective for viral distribution. It’s listicles and ‘why posts’, especially those with longer titles. Accessible report and a must read for anyone interested in getting more visitors to your site (or career page)
Liking this post from Michael Talarek for three reasons. 1) genuinely adds value 2) useful mental exercise to think from a job seeker perspective and 3) a really clever way signal and connect to an audience that you want to recruit from. Have a read - and a think - here
Steph Smith has been a brainfood favourite for some time now; her content work at Toptal regularly featured in this newsletter (check out her work in the larder here). This post is a fascinating under-the-hood view on content creation process. Must read for content creators
If theres one person who knows how to run a successful podcast, it’s Matt Alder. His Recruiting Futures Podcast hit an incredible 200 episodes last week and the quality continues to set industry standards. Here he is with a rare post on how he got to where he is now. Have a read.
Interesting content idea by Jan Tegze - using a text-to-voice plugin to turn this blog post - which is pretty good on its own accord - into a mini podcast you can listen to. The language is still somewhat robotic, but as we’ve seen from Microsoft Edge browser lately, human like voices are nearly here.
Amazingly useful post from Wix, on how to write for the modern day, permanently distracted audience. No1 rule? Accept that they are distracted. Must read for anyone writing just about anything, I’d say. So that’s everyone here, so read it here